How to maintain the electric heating pipe

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  • 发布时间:2018-01-25
  • 访问量:59

【概要描述】Skillfeatures:   1.nofar-infraredcoatingisrequired.Thespectralradiationmatchingandabsorptioncharacteristicsaregood.Theradiationfunctionisnotdegeneratedforalongtime,andtheefficiencyoftheelectrothermalc

How to maintain the electric heating pipe

【概要描述】Skillfeatures:   1.nofar-infraredcoatingisrequired.Thespectralradiationmatchingandabsorptioncharacteristicsaregood.Theradiationfunctionisnotdegeneratedforalongtime,andtheefficiencyoftheelectrothermalc

  • 分类:News
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  • 发布时间:2018-01-25
  • 访问量:59
Skill features:
1. No far-infrared coating is required. The spectral radiation matching and absorption characteristics are good. The radiation function is not degenerated for a long time, and the efficiency of the electrothermal conversion is high. The energy saving is about 30% than that of the general heating element.
2. The working temperature is high and the selection is wide. The highest temperature resistance of ceramic cap is 800 C.
3. Fast heating, low thermal inertia, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, good thermal chemical functional stability, long service life and high insulation strength.
4. No pollution, it is a clean heater, suitable for modern production of high tempo and high quality requirements, suitable for household appliances with high cleaning requirements.
5. Planning, production and installation are very convenient and economic security.
The quartz outer heating tube is used in the specially processed milk white quartz glass tube and the electrical impedance material as the heating son, because the milk white quartz glass can absorb almost all visible and near infrared light from the radiated electric heating wire, and can make it convert into far infrared radiation. But now the industrial infrared heating tube has basically screened the milk white quartz tube. Because of its crispy material, it can not form a very long milky white heating tube. And the milky white has shading effect, blocking its heat. Because of its high wall temperature, it is only suitable for near-infrared heating.




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